Raj is the Head of US Tax. He has been involved in a number of transactions, including BioAgilytix and Envu (previously Bayer Environmental Science Professional).
Prior to joining Cinven, Raj was a Senior Manager in International Tax Services at Deloitte, providing tax advisory services on US inbound and outbound tax issues, including acquisitions, restructuring and new investments.
Raj has an MA in Business Taxation from the University of Southern California and a BSc in Accountancy and a BSC in Business Administration, Finance and Business Honors from California State University, Northridge.
He joined Cinven in 2019.
Fraud alert: It has come to our attention that certain individuals are falsely passing themselves off as Raj. Under dishonest pretences, they might try to gain access to your personal information or money, by offering investment opportunities or similar propositions. Please be vigilant if you receive an unexpected or unverified solicitation in his name.